In all businesses, the game plan is always the key to success. To come up with a solid game plan and strategy in Facebook marketing, do not forget this 5 easy steps:
1.) When putting up a business, it is important to have a clear mission and vision. A lot of brands’ success stories came from these two objectives. These two points must explain the purpose of the company and why it exists.
In starting his Apple Company, Steve Jobs was motivated by supporting people’s creativity, not by selling computers. Before becoming the largest florist shop, Jim McCann’s 1-800-Flowers.com was motivated to help people express their feelings to others.
Therefore, before planning to do some social media marketing strategies, a person should:
First, exactly know the type of business he will engage himself into, and
Second, fulfill other people’s desires and solve their problems.
2.) Take the six Vitamin C’s of Facebook every day. In order to come up with a successful marketing campaign, keep all these 6 C’s in mind:
Content: post stories that will gain a lot of shares, likes and comments. In short, it should be interesting.
Clarity: clearly show what the fan page is all about and what it has to offer. Update the “About” section of the page and add taglines on the cover photo if necessary.
Campaign: maximize the use of Facebook’s promotional tools in order to support a particular campaign.
Connection: build and grow the page’s network.
Culture: make the fan page as an extension of the company’s culture or a particular brand. The same look and feel of the fan page should not be used all over again. This will depend on proper page management which includes: the type of content shared, response time, way of response, humour and etc.
Conversion: convert fans and followers into a network of paying customers.
3.) Post shareable contents. Consider these basic rules on creating shareable contents:
Make it short. (a content with 80 characters will gain more shares)
Vary the contents by using photos, videos, audios and links.
Reply to people who shared the content by liking their shares.
Interact by asking questions
Visit other pages to know what people like
Determine when is the best time of the day and week to interact with the fans.
4.) Consider experimenting and testing then, track the results. It is important to learn what Facebook marketing strategy is working and what’s not. Try variating the post frequency, contents and time zones.
5.) Learn from the success of other Facebook fan pages. Oreo, Disney, Coca-Cola, Starbucks and Skittles are some of the popular consumer brands that are doing well in this social media platform. Monitor their Facebook pages and view other fan pages in order to see what particular types of content could gain significant amount of shares. Examine everything on their fan page starting from updates up to the promotional campaigns used.
To become good at Facebook marketing, it takes time and patience. By following the above-mentioned steps and seeking the help of people who are knowledgeable in this field, success will be on its way!